Leslie Mann looks typically gorgeous, but what does the model look like without makeup? Below are pictures revealing how her makeup-free face looks.
Leslie was born March 26, 1972 in San Francisco, California. She was talented, young, beautiful and born probablz in the best state to start an acting career. Her first role was in 1991 movie Virgin High. More successful movies followed, The Cable Guy, George of the Jungle, Orange County, Knocked Up, just to name a few. In 2014, you can see Mann in the role of Kate in The Other Woman. She has many bikini scenes in that film, without using body double, so you can see exactly, in how good shape her figure is. Leslie Mann has flat toned belly, probably a result of intense workout.
No Makeup Pictures
Leslie Mann is looking captivating when she is makeup-free. Check out her natural beauty and admirable skin.

What is makeup? Well it includes products such as: cosmetics, foundation, powder, rouge and blusher. Other examples are: concealer, lipstick and mascara.
Inspirational Quotes by Leslie Mann
Along with age comes more confidence, so it kind of works out.
Leslie Mann
I feel very protective of younger actresses, because it was so hard for me in the business.
Leslie Mann
Don’t assume I have everything figured out… I get as confused about life as everybody, and sometimes I think I’m just hurtling through the world without a plan at all.
Leslie Mann
I’m terrified by speaking in front of people!
Leslie Mann
Megan Fox is so funny.
Leslie Mann