Gillian Turner Without Makeup – No Makeup Pictures

Gillian Turner Without Cosmetics


Gillian Turner looks extraordinary without makeup. Below, she is pictured with little to no makeup on her face.

Gillian was born September 6th, 1982, in New York, USA. She served under the president Obama administration as the Acting Director for Legislative Affairs at the National Security Council. She earned Bachelor’s Degree in Comparative Politics from Columbia University in NYC and later also Master’s Degree in African security studies from the University of Cape Town. Besides regular appearance on television, Turner has also a thriving career. She’s not married but according to some rumors, she does have a boyfriend as of 2017.

Gillian Turner is looking outstanding when she is makeup-free. Check out her natural beauty and impressive skin.

Inspirational Quotes by Gillian Turner

Don’t simply insist that the American future will be bright if we vote for you and damned if you don’t; explain how and why. We deserve the truth, and we can handle it.

Gillian Turner

In an era of rapidly evolving security threats that are often asymmetrical and unpredictable in nature, nuclear weapons are an existential threat we can count on.

Gillian Turner

The United States and its European allies need to start viewing foreign assistance to some messy and unsavory regions of the world as investments in our collective future rather than charity; we’re paying money now so that we don’t have to pay with blood and treasure later.

Gillian Turner

Ivanka Trump’s star is ascendant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and around the world, too.

Gillian Turner

We need to offer Africans the alternatives to terrorist recruitment that their own governments cannot. This includes, yes, jobs.

Gillian Turner