Hedy Lamarr Without Makeup – No Makeup Pictures

Hedy Lamarr Without Cosmetics


Hedy Lamarr looks attractive without makeup. Below, she is pictured with little to no makeup on her face.

Hedy was born November 9, 1914 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary into an affluent Jewish family of a bank director. In 1930’s, Hedy helped her mother to flee from the expanding Third Reich into the USA.Although Lamarr showed her exceptional beauty in her first movie where she appeared completely undressed, she was more than just a pretty face and terrific body measurements. Lamarr was on the scientific team that was developing radio guidance systems for Allies. Some of her work is still used today in modern technologies such as Bluetooth.

No Makeup Pictures

Hedy Lamarr is looking hot when she is makeup-free. Check out her natural beauty and smooth skin.

Hedy Lamarr Without Makeup
Looking good: Hedy Lamarr without makeup still looks stunning
Hedy Lamarr No Makeup
No Makeup: Does Hedy Lamarr look better with or without makeup?
Hedy Lamarr Without Makeup Photo
Hedy Lamarr has a natural glow without makeup.
Hedy Lamarr No Makeup Natural Look
Hedy Lamarr with little to no makeup!

What is makeup? Well it includes products such as: cosmetics, foundation, powder, rouge and blusher. Other examples are: concealer, lipstick and mascara.

Inspirational Quotes by Hedy Lamarr

I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don’t have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.

Hedy Lamarr

Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

Hedy Lamarr

I advise everybody not to save: spend your money. Most people save all their lives and leave it to somebody else. Money is to be enjoyed.

Hedy Lamarr

I have never seen a wrestling match or a prize fight, and I don’t want to. When I find out a man is interested in these sports, I drop him.

Hedy Lamarr

I have not been that wise. Health I have taken for granted. Love I have demanded, perhaps too much and too often. As for money, I have only realized its true worth when I didn’t have it.

Hedy Lamarr