Morgan Fairchild Without Makeup – No Makeup Pictures

Morgan Fairchild Without Cosmetics


Morgan Fairchild looks splendid without makeup. Below, the model is pictured with little to no makeup on her face.

Morgan was born February 3, 1950 in Dallas, Texas. She was married to Jack Calmes but eventually divorced. Fairchild played on several TV series, including Search for Tomorrow, Flamingo Road, and Falcon Crest. She appeared on The Seduction, Sleeping Beauty, Venus Rising, and many other movies. In 2014, Fairchild appeared on Bikini Model Academy and movie Beethoven’s Treasure.

Morgan Fairchild is looking lovely when she is makeup-free. Check out her natural beauty and captivating skin.

Inspirational Quotes by Morgan Fairchild

I was asked once if I ever got tired of playing bimbos, and I answered that I’ve never played a bimbo. I’ve always played smart, manipulative women. Marilyn Monroe and Judy Holliday, who were not stupid, could play stupid really well, but I don’t do it well.

Morgan Fairchild

I started in the theater when I was 10, so I grew up in the theater and was very used to that, but I love movies and television, also, obviously.

Morgan Fairchild

It’s nice to be thought of as attractive and all of that. On the other hand, it curtails you somewhat, too. They won’t let me read for ‘West Wing,’ just to play, you know, a normal person. Or ‘ER,’ to play a doctor – the things I’m actually good at. I mean, I’m pretty good on foreign policy – they won’t even let me come read for that.

Morgan Fairchild

What triggered a migraine for me may have no effect on someone else. For many people, coffee can relieve symptoms somewhat, but for me it was a trigger. You really have to find out what affects you individually.

Morgan Fairchild

One of the hallmarks of the sign of Aquarius is the campaign for justice. Everybody is my brother. Justice is very important to me.

Morgan Fairchild